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(1866 – 1935)
Danish silversmith Georg Arthur Jensen (1866 – 1935), famed for his Art Nouveau silverware creations, made his first piece of jewellery in 1899. In 1904, he risked a small capital he had and opened his own little silversmithy at 36 Bredgade in Copenhagen. Jensen’s training in metal smithing along with his education in the Fine Arts allowed him to combine the two disciplines and revive the tradition of the artist craftsman. Soon, the beauty and quality of his Art Nouveau creations caught the eye of the public and his success was assured. The Copenhagen quarters were greatly expanded and before the end of the 1920’s, Jensen had opened retail in Berlin (1909), London (1921), and New York (1924). Georg Jensen served as director until 1924 and continued as creative leader until his death in 1935.
Since the beginning until now, the company always worked in collaboration with the best artists designers and jewelers of their time.
(In 1980’, 77 artists have been identified in a book named « Georg Jensen Silversmith : 77 Artists, 75 years).